Dear All,
In order to support faculty members and students in their teaching, learning and research, the Library has recently subscribed to the following online databases; for direct access, you may simply click the titles as listed .
(1) Archives Unbound -- It presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students. Note: Adobe Flash Player 11.1 or above is required for reading. |
(2) The -- It provides daily news and comment about the book business as well as an extensive and searchable archive of previously published content. | |
(3) Naxos -- Its online platforms provide access to classical music and Jazz libraries, video library of classical music performances, as well as literature including many classic novels, plays and poetry, respectively. | |
(4) Oxford Digital Reference Shelf -- It is an electronic collection of reference sources in the History, Economy, management, Social Sciences, and Law etc. The following titles are the newly added:
(5) Taylor & Francis eBooks -- Its platform provides access to the customized eBook collection covering a wide range of subjects, such as Social Sciences, Geography, Interdisciplinary Studies, Agriculture & Environmental Sciences and more. | |
(6) 天下雜誌群知識庫 -- 本數據庫收錄《天下雜誌》、《Cheers雜誌》、《康健雜誌》和《天下英文知識庫》等多種刊物,可根據主題和內容查詢,並可下載全文。 | |
(7) 故宮文獻 -- 本數據庫收錄《故宮文物月刊》、《故宮季刊》和《故宮學術季刊》三種刊物,提供查詢及瀏覽功能,並可下載全文。 | |
(8) 聯合知識庫 -- 本數據庫收錄台灣《商業周刊》自1995年起至近週發行的的文章內容,與及台灣《遠見雜誌》從1986年創刊以來的到近期的文章,現備有下列兩個子庫可供使用:
For access, you may also use the links provided in“Databases”on the Library's homepage via the campus network.
Please let us know at if there is any problem encountered in use.
UM Library