Dear All,
As the University is gradually emphasizing the research element and our faculty members are doing more and more research, we are pleased to offer you a very useful research tool that can track the citation record of your research via two databases that the Library is subscribing to.
These two databases -- Web of Science and Scopus -- offer a function known as Author Citation Alerts. These alerts are tools in tracking academic papers and citations. To know more about this, please find the attached examples on how to create Author Citation Alerts in Web of Science and Scopus.
Author Citation Alerts provide updates whenever the articles by yourself are cited or an author you are interested in has been cited in a new article. It will send you an email each time the author that is specified in your settings is cited.
Should you need help to set up the Author Citation Alerts, kindly contact us at with the author names needed for tracking and we shall be happy to set up for you!
We hope that this information and service will make your use of citation alerts easier. For any enquiries and comments on the alert services, please let us know at the above-mentioned email.
UM Library
WOS author citation alerts.pdf