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圖書館新訂購數據庫 (2011/09/09)

Dear All,

In order to support faculty members and students in their teaching, learning and research, the Library has recently subscribed to the following online databases:

(1) Bankscope -- It is a database of global banks' information and financial report, which helps research individual banks, and to find banks with specific profiles and analyze them.
URL: https://bankscope2.bvdep.com/ip
Note: 2 concurrent users

(2) BBC College of Journalism -- It provides journalistic information and knowledge, including briefings on key subjects, writing and presenting skills, ethics and values, and legal matters.
URL: http://bbcjournalism.oup.com/
Note: 3 concurrent users
(3) Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History -- It covers legal history from ancient to modern times, providing a background on geographically distinctive laws, their origins, and their consequences throughout world history.
URL: http://www.oxford-legalhistory.com/?authstatuscode=202
(4) Oxford Language Dictionaries Online -- It offers language resources, bilingual dictionaries for Chinese and English, and study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages.
URL: http://www.oxfordlanguagedictionaries.com/
(5) Oxford Scholarship Online -- It offers access to the full text of Oxford publications in Business and Management, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health and Epidemiology, and Social Work.
URL: http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/public/index.html
(6) Westlaw China -- It is a China Law database providing the platforms in both Chinese and English for searching Laws & Regulations, Legal Topics, Case Headnote, Model Contracts, journal articles and so on.
URL: http://www.westlawchina.com/index_en.html
Note: 5 concurrent users. Please click 'Log in' to access at its homepage.
萬律 -- 中國法律法規雙語數據庫提供法律資訊檢索,收錄包括法律法規、法律專題、裁判要點、合同文本、期刊文章等內容。
(7) 讀秀 -- 本文獻搜索平台為讀者提供全文檢索服務,收錄包括圖書、期刊、報紙、學位論文、會議論文等約一百八十萬種文獻資料;當中圖書檢索方面,可為讀者提供部份全文閱讀。此外,該平台提供文獻傳遞服務 ,讀者可在網上閱讀過程中先點撃“查看來源”圖標,再點撃書名,接着於該書的網頁上點撃“圖書館文獻傳遞”,然後網上填表申請服務。


You may also use the links provided in “Databases” on the Library's homepage or directly access to their websites via the campus network for your search. Please let us know at lib_ref@umac.moif there is any problem encountered in use.

UM Library

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