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Welcome to the Information Literacy@UM Library Program (2010/10/28)

Dear All,

As we all know, information literacy is of paramount importance in this information age. The Library is, therefore, planning to launch another program of Information Literacy@UM Library in this semester after a very successful program run last semester. The program is designed to help UM Library users in getting information for their learning, teaching and research, and solving their problems in using library resources and services.

This training program will be held from November to December 2010 and the courses are divided into three categories:
(1) Foundations: Equipping with necessary skills
(2) Resources: Exploring the Library resources
(3) Advanced Skills: Getting familiar with online tools and services

For more details, kindly click on the following icon of poster to get larger for easy reading. 

All library users are welcome to enroll in any courses in this program and the teaching members are also recommended to encourage their students to register for these courses.

Please visit our webpage at http://library.umac.mo/html/services/reference/libprog/asp/libprogram.asp and click "Courses Schedule" for online registration.

For any enquiry, please contact us at lib_ref@umac.mo by calling 8397 8171 or 8397 8191.

Thank you for your kind attention.

UM Library

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