Dear Library Users,
In order to support faculty members and students in their teaching, learning and research, the Library has obtained the access rights ( for UM IP only) to the following international organizations databases:
1. The World Bank E-Library
It is an online, fully cross-searchable portal of over 5,000 World Bank documents. The collection consists of over 2,000 World Bank publications and over 3,200 Policy Research Working Papers, plus each new book and paper as they are published.
2. International Monetary Fund Statistical Databases
2.1) International Financial Statistics (IFS)
It is a standard source of international statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance. It reports, for most countries of the world, current data needed in the analysis of problems of international payments and of inflation and deflation.
2.2) Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)
It provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. This database reports total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level.
2.3) Government Finance Statistics (GFS)
It contains detailed annual statistical data on revenue, expense, transactions in assets and liabilities, and stocks of assets and liabilities of general government and its subsectors as reported by member countries.
2.4) Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)
It summarizes, for a specific period, the economic transactions of an economy with the rest of the world. This database reports total goods, services, factor income and so on. URL:
These links are also available under the category "Online Databases" in the Document Centre's homepage (
Please feel free to contact the Document Centre of the Library for any inquiries (Tel: 83978164, or email:
Thank you very much for your attention.
UM Library