Dear All,
In order to support faculty members and students in their teaching, learning and research, the Library has recently subscribed to the following online databases:
1) Archives Direct -- It is the suite of collections from The National Archives, of which the section we can access to is from the UK government's archives about Foreign Office Files for China, 1949 to 1980.
2) CRCnetBASE -- It is made up of over 6,000 online books with some bibliographic data that span over 40 disciplines, providing scientific and technical references and resources. URL:
3) Gambling Compliance -- It provides online publications of legal, regulatory, political and business information for the global gambling industry, helping users to monitor, track and receive updates on regulation, compliance, competitors and market developments around the world. Remark:
Please click “Log In” on its page to enter one of the following User Names and Passwords (case-sensitive) before use.
User Name/Password#1: macauuni1 / macauuni1
User Name/Password#2: macauuni2 / macauuni2
User Name/Password#3: macauuni3 / macauuni3
User Name/Password#4: macauuni / macauuni
4) The Times Digital Archive 1785 - 1985 -- It is a digital edition of The Times (London) from 1785 to 1985. The newspaper in print was captured, with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching.
5) 中經網統計數據庫 -- 以統計資料為主要內容的統計資料庫。主要分為中國經濟統計資料庫 (包括宏觀月度庫、綜合年度庫、行業月度庫、海關月度庫、城市年度庫) 及世界經濟統計資料庫 (包括 OECD月度庫、OECD年度庫)。
備註:點擊 “教育網入口” 進入,只限5位共用用戶,查詢輸入限用簡體字。
6) 華文電子書服務 (airitiBooks) --
備註:瀏覽可閱讀全文之書籍,請點擊圖標 “本館可閱讀書籍 看書籍全文 GO”。如瀏覽器工具列安裝了封鎖 "彈出的視窗",請先解除封鎖,方能閱讀全文。
You may also use the links provided in “Databases” on the Library's homepage or directly access to their websites via the campus network for your search. Please let us know at if there is any problem encountered in use.
UM Library