Considering that the problem of overdue loan items has affected users on using the library materials, effective from 15 June 2005, the Library will strictly implement the penalty policy for unreturned items to protect you and all readers' rights on accessing Library materials equally. Therefore, Penalty Notice will be issued after 31 days of any loan items overdue. In such cases, user will be charged twice of the cost or estimated cost of the loan items in accordance with the Library Regulations 3.g & 4.j as stated on the International Library Webpage ( The same rule will apply to those library items on "Recall" status. Kindly note that the notices shall be duly served in the following manner:
Notices | Penalty |
None |
None |
Suspension of borrowing privileges for 14 days |
Suspension of borrowing privileges for 30 days |
Final Notice (loan item is overdue for 31 days) | Twice the cost or estimated cost of the loan items |
Your understanding and cooperation will help us to provide better Library Circulation Services to you.
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