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Use of Other Academic Libraries Resources (2005/09/28)

To continuously improve our service to our users has always been our top priority. We are therefore pleased to announce that, through our efforts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library has recently agreed to give us three reader's cards for our readers (year 3 or above students, teaching members, and staff) to enjoy reading in their Library. Application procedures for these reader's cards are the same as those for other libraries.

Kindly also note that up to now we have established cooperative schemes for reading and borrowing program with the following academic libraries:  

  Academic Libraries Cards Available Reading/borrowing
1 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
3 Reading only
2 City University of Hong Kong
3 Reading only
3 Hong Kong Baptist University
3 Reading only
4 The Hong Kong Institute of Education
3 Reading only
5 The Open University of Hong Kong
3 Reading only
6 The University of Hong Kong 
5 Reading only
7 Macao Polytechnic Institute
10 Borrowing
8 Macao University of Science and Technology
20 Borrowing

Please feel free to come to the Library Circulation Counter to apply for the use of these cards and if you have any questions, please call 3978160. 

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