為了配合及宣傳「開卷有益:讀書活動2015-16」,由圖書館及學生事務部舉辦,為期7天的「Free to Read. Read to Free -- 2015讀書週」活動已經在圖書館舉行並完滿結束。所有活動都得到同學們的踴躍支持,現跟大家分享一些活動花絮的照片。
Opening Ceremony 開幕儀式
Our Guest Speaker, Ms. Zita Law 演講嘉賓深雪小姐
Book Signing by Ms. Zita Law 深雪小姐為同學們簽書
Handmade book workshop 手工書製作工作坊
The teacher was showing the student how to sew a book. 導師正細心地示範如何縫製一本書。
Students were satisfied with their works. 同學們很滿意自己的作品。
Mr. Paul Pang talked about the Fun of Reading “Journey to the West”. 彭執中先生分享<西遊記>為什麽好看? 什麽是中國式幽默?
Student received a book from Mr. Paul Pang for participating at Q & A. 提問後,同學得到由彭執中先生送贈的書籍。
The winning team of "Book Treasure Hunt"「書中尋寶」勝出的隊伍
All the participants at the "Book Treasure Hunt"「書中尋寶」所有參賽者大合照