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圖書館新訂購數據庫 (2009/02/09)

Dear All,

Greetings and welcome to the second semester!

In order to support faculty members and students in their teaching, learning and research, the Library has recently subscribed to the following online databases: 

Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) -- It provides full text access to articles from over one hundred journals in the fields of sciences, social sciences and humanities, etc.
URL: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/login

PsycBOOKS -- It is a full-text database of books and chapters from the American Psychological Association (APA). The content of which is accessible through Ovid’s online platform, that allows users to view tables of contents and locate book chapters in PDF form (by clicking “Ovid Database PDFs”).
URL: http://gateway.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&MODE=ovid&PAGE=main&NEWS=n&DBC=y&D=psbk

故宮線上資料庫 -- 本資料庫兼具教育推廣與學術性質。內容含鑑賞繪畫、書法、陶瓷、玉器、銅器、佛教文物、珍玩等藝術項目及書畫家名錄。
注意:為有較佳顯示,螢幕解析度請設定為 1024 x 768個像素。
Digital Archive of China Treasures (NPM Online) -- It is a database aimed at educational promotion and academic exchanges, which provides artist list and exhibits collections online into seven categories: painting, calligraphy, ceramics, jade, bronze, Buddhist antiques, and rarities.
Note: Kindly set screen resolution as 1152 x 864 pixels for better browsing.

華藝世界美術資料庫 -- 本資料庫收錄藝術家的作品圖像資料。內容分為 “西洋美術 ”、“大陸美術 ”和“台灣美術 ” 等單元。
Airiti World Fine Arts -- It stores a large amount of image data by many artists, covering those art works from the western countries, the Mainland, Taiwan, and so on.

You may also use the links provided in “Databases” on the Library's homepage or directly access their websites via the campus network for your search. Please let us know at lib_ref@umac.mo if there is any problem encountered in use.

UM Library

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