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圖書館新訂購數據庫 (2008/10/14)

Dear All,

In order to support faculty members and students in their teaching, learning and research, the Library has recently subscribed to the following online databases. 

1) History Resource Center: World -- It is a collection of reference, full-text articles from scholarly publications, an array of primary sources, and images, maps and charts which provide research materials for the study of world history.
Website: http://find.galegroup.com/menu/start?prod=History&userGroupName=macau 
Note: Two concurrent users

2) InfoSci-Books -- It is a searchable database containing books and reference works in the subject area of computer science and information technology. 
Website: http://www.infosci-books.com/content/index.asp

3) SpringerLink eBook Collection -- It provides cover-to-cover search and browse access to the full text of eBooks in the subject areas of science and technology. Access can via the SpringerLink search interface.
Website: http://www.springerlink.com/books/?Language=English&sortorder=asc&cb=2005&ce=2007 

4) 光波24書網 --
以中國大陸和香港近年出版的圖書為主,書籍種類包括藝術、文學、人文、商業、語言、電腦、科學等。本書網主要提供瀏覽電子圖書的借閱功能。線上瀏覽前請先下載並安裝方正apabi閱讀器,然後點擊所選書本資料上的 “點數借閱” 即可進行閱讀。
網址: http://www.24reader.com/
下載閱讀器: http://www.umac.mo/icto/ictoinfo/intranet/software/apabi_reader.exe

注意:為免影響開啟PDF文件,在安裝Apabi Reader時,請選擇“自定義安裝”及在最後步驟不要選擇“將Apabi Reader設為默認的PDF閱讀器”這個選項。

You may also use the links provided in “Databases” on the Library's homepage or directly access their websites via the campus network for your search. Please let us know at lib_ref@umac.mo if there is any problem encountered in use.

UM Library

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