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圖書館新訂購數據庫:工商與經濟類、教育類、科技類、社會科學類 (2008/02/21)

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce in the following another batch of newly-subscribed electronic databases (a total of 12) in the areas of business and economics, education, science and technology as well as social sciences.

I. Business and Economics
# Accounting & Tax with Standards -- It offers search key accounting standards along with top accounting literature, with the coverage of accounting policies, state and national tax legislation, corporate taxation, as well as related accounting topics.

# EconLit with Full Text -- It contains all of the contents available in EconLit, plus full text for many journals, and also includes some non-English full text journals in economics and finance.
Website: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.asp?profile=ehost&defaultdb=eoh

# General BusinessFile ASAP -- It allows access to a combination of broker research reports, trade publications, newspapers, journals and company directory listings with full text and images available. 
Website: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/macau?db=GBFM

II. Education
# Educator's Reference Complete -- It is a selection of more than 450 full text academic journals, hundreds of full text reports, and many premier reference sources, with focuses on educational principles, child development and psychology, and best practices in education. 
Website: http://find.galegroup.com/menu/start?prod=PROF&userGroupName=macau

# Education Backfiles -- It is on Wiley InterScience and comprised of 10 education journals with access to more than 18,200 research articles.
Website: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/collectionhome/EDCOL/HOME

III. Science and Technology
# Alt HealthWatch -- It offers full text articles for more than 180 international and peer-reviewed journals and reports about health care and wellness as well as complementary and alternative medicine. 
Website: http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=awh

# Computer Database -- It can be used to find computer-related product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications and the application of technology. 
Website: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/macau?db=CDB

# Computers & Applied Sciences Complete -- It covers the research and development spectrum of the computing and applied sciences disciplines, and provides indexing and abstracts for more than 1,470 academic journals, professional publications, and other reference sources from a diverse collection. Full text is also available for more than 660 periodicals.
Website: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.asp?profile=ehost&defaultdb=iih

IV. Social Sciences
# Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text -- It indexes more than 690 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
Website: http://search.epnet.com/login.asp?profile=web&defaultdb=lih

# Communications & Mass Media Collection -- It provides current and accurate information from more than 100 journals focused on all aspects of the communications field.
Website: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/macau?db=SP03

# PsycEXTRA -- It is a bibliographic and full-text companion to the scholarly PsycINFO database. This database contains more than 100,000 records with nearly a quarter million full text pages.
Website: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?profile=ehost&defaultdb=pxh

# SAGE Journals Online -- It is the delivery platform that provides online access to the subscribed SAGE journals in social sciences. The full text articles can be retrieved back to the year of 2003.
Website: http://online.sagepub.com/

You may use the links provided in “Databases” on the Library's homepage or directly access their websites via the campus network for your search. Please let us know at lib_ref@umac.mo if there is any problem encountered in use.

UM Library

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