Dear All,
Do you want to get the newly published books in your subject areas timely?
Do you want to get these books without going through all the form-filling and recommendation procedures?
~~~ A BOOK APPROVAL PLAN MAY HELP A book approval plan is a tool used for acquiring books based on some specific subject areas and budget situation set out previously and coordinately by faculty members.
In order to let you know more about what a book approval plan is, we have invited representatives from a book vendor -- Blackwell Book Services -- to come to talk about it on 21 March (Wednesday) at the University Library. We will have two sessions of the presentation, which will basically consist of the same contents. The scheduled sessions are as follows:
Morning Session: 10:30 a.m.~12:30 p.m., Orientation Room 1, Lobby Floor, University Library
Afternoon Session: 3:00 p.m.~ 5:00 p.m., Orientation Room 1, Lobby Floor, University Library
We intend to do a pilot study first to see if this Plan can be used for our Library. Therefore, for the initial stage, only 3 Faculties (FBA, FSH, FST) will be included. If the Plan is proved to be effective, we can extend it to all Faculties.
All of you are welcome to these briefing sessions. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please call Ms Priscilla Pun at Ext. 8167 or email her at,
UM Library