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New Electronic Databases (2007/03/26)

Dear All,

In order to support faculty members and students in their teaching, learning and research, the Library has already acquired a substantial number of electronic databases. To further develop along this line, the Library constantly liaises with database vendors to have their new products tried out by our users before we decide to purchase them or not. The following databases are the latest ones.


(1) Academic OneFile -- It is a comprehensive database with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, and other subjects. Most of articles are provided in full-text. Please try it out at http://find.galegroup.com/itx/start.do?prodId=AONE&userGroupName=macau until 15th April 2007. 

(2) Springer eBook Collection -- It offers the online book collection in a broad range of scientific disciplines. This version includes online access to the book of English language released from 2005 to 2007. Please use the link ofSpringerLink at our website and kindly click the Book Series, Books or Reference Works from the “Content type” for your search until 31st May 2007. 

(3) Web of Science -- It is a suite of citation databases containing citation and abstract information on the published journal articles and the full-text is only available to those e-journals that we subscribed. The Library already subscribed to Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) for the current year. In this trial version, the vendor extends the covered period of our subscribed databases and offer additional databases for our trial: 
Citation Databases:

Science Citation Index Expanded, 1975-present
Social Sciences Citation Index, 1975-present
Arts & Humanities Citation Index, 1975-present


Chemistry Databases:

Current Chemical Reactions, 1986-present
Index Chemicus, 1993-present

Please use the link of Web of Science at our website for your search until 18th April 2007.

Besides the above on-trial databases, we are pleased to announce that the Library has recently subscribed to the following online journal. 

Scientific American Archive Online -- It contains the entire editorial content of Scientific American with special issues from January 1993 through to the present. Please use the link provided at our website to get access or directly athttp://search.ebscohost.com/login.asp?profile=sciamehost to access this online journal. 

Kindly let us know at lib_ref@umac.mo if you have any comments or encountered any problem in your search and use of these online collections. 

UM Library

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