Dear All,
Following the recent library workshop successfully held in February, the Library has planned and arranged more workshops in an effort to further strengthen our users’ research skills in their teaching, learning and research activities. The three workshops in March with brief introduction are listed as follows:
Workshop 1: Scientific publishing: maximizing your research impact (13 March 2015, 15:00-16:00)
This workshop will give an overview of Institute of Physics (IOP) scientific publishing and show how to enhance the research impact.
Workshop 2: E-Learning with Wiley (18 March 2015, 15:00-16:00)
This workshop will share with you two digital products from Wiley that will improve faculty members' teaching and students' learning experience -- E-Text and WileyPlus. Both can be bundled with traditional print textbooks or used on their own.
Workshop 3: Using RefWorks – Bibliographic tool (31 March 2015, 11:00-12:00; 15:00-16:00, repeated)
This workshop will demonstrate the operation of RefWorks on how to create your own archives, to store and organize citation data, and to format bibliographies in a variety of citation styles for your research papers.
Kindly refer to the attached poster for more information.
All are welcome!
UM Library