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Web of Science -- "Book Citation Index" database is now available at the Library (2012/09/21)

Dear All,

Web of Science, a popular citation index database, has recently launched Book Citation Index (BKCI) --http://wokinfo.com/products_tools/multidisciplinary/bookcitationindex/. Therefore, in addition to providing citation information of journals and conference proceedings, WoS now includes book citation information as well. BKCI covers over 30,000 scholarly books starting with publication year 2005, and plans to add 10,000 titles each year. It includes subjects in the areas of science, social science and humanities.

Because of BKCI's usefulness, the Library plans to subscribe to it. Through negotiation efforts on the part of the Library, our supplier now allows us to use this database, even before we formally commit our subscription.

To use it, please click http://www.isiknowledge.com/WOS

Should you have any comments or inquiries, please feel free to send us an email to lib_ref@umac.mo.

UM Library

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